Friday, July 29, 2011

Soaking in Truth

Everyday we have opportunity to learn valuable lessons from the simplest situations. Today I was reminded of an important "life lesson" from a sponge!

We use sponges instead of paint brushes in our Art4Healing classes. Although all our sponges had been thoroughly used and ready for the trash, I noticed they had taken on a unique beauty of their own! While my classmates were gathering their paintings to take home, I decided to gather up our classroom "trash" for a photo shoot.

Everyday I am given a choice to "soak-in" colors. Will I choose from a palette of bitterness, greed and criticism, or will my life be painted with forgiveness, hope and joy? Everyday we are given opportunities to absorb the colors of truth or the colors of a lie? Every experience (every color) is designed to mark us, making us unique in the hands of a loving Master Artist, the Creator of the universe! What some consider, ugly, worthless trash... God lovingly renames as "beautiful and valuable."

Monday, July 25, 2011

OH NO....don't look!

Believe it or not....not all "artist types" are crazy, broken or immoral."As a culture we tend to define creativity too narrowly and to think of it in elitist terms, as something belonging to a small chosen tribe of "real artists." But in reality, everything we do requires making creative choices, although we seldom recognize that fact. The way in which we dress, set up our homes, do our jobs.....even the people we involve ourselves with- these all are expressions of our creativity. It is our erroneous beliefs about creativity, our cultural mythology about artists (all artists are broken, crazy, promiscuous, self centered or have trust funds) that encourage us to leave our dreams unfulfilled." Julia Cameron, The Complete Artist's Way

Monday, July 11, 2011

While in "recovery-healing" mode,
I launched a secondary website (new blog) focusing on
Art and Healing. People have been asking many great
questions about the training I completed recently
with Laurie Zagon. I plan to hold some demonstration
workshops in the near future.

I'll keep you posted on possible locations, dates and times.
Have fun browsing the new site! Here is the link:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Staying Focused!

It's not complicated....

If indeed the mighty God (Creator of the Universe) abides in me, and I in Him through Christ.....then I am absolutely obligated to better resource, steward and freely share this dynamic with others!

As a follower of Jesus and His teachings, I owe my neighbors an encounter with the Living God and His radical love. Should I not be more bold, joyful and willing to go into this world as an “Ambassador” of God’s Kingdom, of His grace, forgiveness and healing power? Yes, Yes, Yes...
God help me!

Kathy LeBarron

Kathy and her Websites have been under construction!

My temporary leave of absence, unfortunately turned to be more of an extended leave! I do apologize and have appreciated your amazing patience with me while I've been trying to "re-group".

Community - Everybody needs connections