Saturday, October 29, 2011

We in the USA are hearing very little about the terrible flooding in Thailand. This is the most serious crisis in more than 50 years. Much more damage than when Tsunami hit! The aftermath of these floods I fear will be even worse than the flood itself! Sanitation and contamination problems, airborne diseases, infections plus economic and emotional trauma. Please pray for the people in the Kingdom of Thailand. They truly need divine intervention!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pray for Thailand

flooding in Ayutthaya Bangkok Thailand News 8 Oct 2011 300x220 Flooding in Bangkok News 8 October 2011

URGENT PRAYER- Flood waters from northern Thailand, combined with ocean tides are expected to bring heavy flooding to Bangkok with in days. Potential flood waters could be the worse the country has experienced in 50 years.

Thai government leaders are at their “wits end” and are seeking help from the “goddess of water” as they consider ways to avoid this impending disaster! The Kingdom of Thailand is a Buddhist nation, less than 2% evangelized and also a "non-crisis" oriented culture. Spend a lot of time or energy focusing strategies, excessive planning or PREVENTATIVE MEASURES when faced with potential crisis situations, IS NOT part of their culture/worldview.

The Thai people usually deal with problems when they day at a time. This might seem very odd to us as westerners, but REMEMBER most of the 2/3 world functions in this same non-crisis mode. Their political, economical and religious systems have tempered these cultural views, making them much more tolerant of ambiguity, especially as it concerns their future.

  • PLEASE PRAY- Local community of Christians will be mobilized to extend physical, emotional and spiritual help to their neighbor

  • PLEASE PRAY- God’s mercy on this Kingdom. May the kindness of God, His supernatural intervention and assistance in times of crisis, cause their hearts to humbly turn towards Him.

  • PLEASE PRAY- Kingdom of Thailand, government officials will seek help and wisdom for their people from the One True God!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Human Trafficking Happens HERE!

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Victims are young children, teenagers, men and women.

After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today.

If you suspect someone has been trafficked, call the:
Department of Health and Human Services
Toll-free, 24 hour

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