Sunday, November 11, 2012

I've always had a thing for cars!

My youngest is getting married 
August 2013.
So excited for them!


Monday, April 30, 2012

Look up!

More than a year ago, it was a pair of  well-worn black "flip-flops", some rainwater on a hard marble floor and a pressing need to be up at SUN RAISE to prayer walk the territory (a congested neighborhood in the red light district of Bangkok) that began my journey towards SAN DIEGO? Hummm.... not what I expected.

Today, I'm in San Diego, wondering if I'll ever be back to the congested streets of Bangkok? I still find myself  prayer walking, but the territory is very different!  My well-worn black "flip-flops", the water, and pressing need to get out of my comfort zone, are familiar to me, but these days I find myself more often on quiet beaches at sunset!  Huummm....definitely not what I expected.  What is in store for my future?  With that in mind, these verses in Colossians 3 were especially encouraging (The choice of wording used in the MESSAGE Bible caught my attention) "Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. LOOK UP, and be alert to what is going on around Christ...that's where the action is!  See things from HIS perspective...let the peace of Christ keep you in tune... in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. Cultivate thankfulness! ... and sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives...words, actions, whatever it is be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way. AMEN

Friday, April 27, 2012

HEALING conference in with Bill Johnson, Heidi and Roland Baker, Randy Clark and Che Ahn at his church in Pasadena.  A great opportunity to get out of town and saturate ourselves in God's presence, powerful and spiritually refreshing! 

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

Ever feel like your life looks more 
like this picture...

...rather than this picture?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Moved with Compassion?

It's Valentines Day. I remember what it was like being a single mom with three little ones on Valentines day :( It was NOT a very happy time in my life, and all the attention to flowers and romance only made it painfully worse! So today I paid a visit to a young single mom whom I met through my church. Single mom's are notorious for not lavishing themselves with luxuries, they 're too busy struggling to afford basics, like gasoline, toilet paper and diapers! So a surprise delivery of decadent treats seemed in order!

She has two little ones and a third one on the way! Her life is uncertain and she is fearful for their future because her husband left her during this latest pregnancy. It would be easy to say-WHAT A HORRIBLE THING, leaving a wife and three darling children! How can any man do such a terrible thing? But there is more to the story. This strong young man has been serving his country in a war zone. If that wasn't stressful enough, recently he suffered a horrible tragedy- his leg was blown off. Suddenly we see WHY his whole world may be crumbling. The trauma, the shock and unbelievable pain, his future, his ability to provide for his family, and his identity as a man, were all blown to pieces at that moment. Of course he's confused and not thinking clearly.... and then suddenly, we are filled with compassion for him.

I must always be on guard NOT to make quick judgements about people, not even quietly, in the private recesses of my own thinking! We really have no idea what people have been through. God please help me remember this lesson. I long to be "moved by compassion" as JESUS was..... instead of being moved to cynicism and criticism.

The LORD appeared to him from afar saying I loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you to myself with lovingkindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Friday, February 10, 2012

Victoria Secret Model- Kylie Bissutti following her heart!

It's almost Valentines Day and I'm sure our local Victoria Secret boutiques are "well endowed" with plenty of tantalizing merchandise! With so much negative attention given to the use of sensual and seductive imaging to sell products these days, I found Kylie's story refreshing. This stunning young woman courageously stepped away from a high profile, high paying job as a Victoria Secret "super model". Watch the video to see why Kylie made a decision to follow her heart!

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