Monday, March 10, 2008

Click to play A Day in Mendocino

It is Spring time in Northern California. It's absolutely beautiful during this time of the year. The warm sun makes the lush green hills glow. The daffodils and wild mustard are so bright and yellow that you are tempted to squint your eyes! Soon the daffodis will be joined by an abundance of other colorful wild flowers that will carpet our valley.

My daughter was here for a few days recently. One of our favorite things to do when she comes to visit, is to pack a lunch and head for the coast! It's a magnificent drive. The road weaves over the hills, through the coastal redwoods and along side a breath taking river. There are plenty of vineyards, orchards and meadows to gaze at, and there are just enough cattle and sheep dotting the hillsides to keep you contentedly distracted during the short drive.

I have spent many hours at the shores and bluffs of Mendocino. The closer you get to the ocean the crisper the air becomes and the more deliciously fresh it smells! This is where I love to escape. A trip to Mendocino feeds my soul and reminds me of God's magnificence! Sometimes it has been a place of tearful reflection and other times it has been a place for refreshment. It has also become a place of great joy and yes, even great romance!

1 comment:

Jyll said...

I love the pics Kathy. It looks beautiful there. I am glad you are able to spend some time with your daughter and granddaughter. God bless.

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