Friday, December 12, 2008

Jesus said Go!

After watching Mission 2008- You can click on the individual photos, move them around and view them again more closely. Alright, let's Go!

Click to play

This was my second time to Myanmar to help with free medical, dental and vision clinics. As usual, it was humbling and an amazingly fruitful time, These trips are intense, with very little down time to rest, but worth every once of energy! In a matter of a few weeks we traveled may long miles to multiple locations. We treated 1,738 patients and witnessed 544 conversions!

Every villager who arrives for treatment was presented with the gospel before we administered care. This was usually done in groups of 10 so, in their own language. Since most Buddhists we worked with had no idea who Jesus was, or what Christians believe, we made it a priority to unfold that information to all that attended. We found the general population very receptive and eager to hear this good news. (I'm pretty sure their "open-ness" to God's truths had to do with the amount of time the local Believers spend in prayer and fasting before we arrived!)

For those interested in hearing more, I will be sharing these adventures with my home church in the near future-so keep a look out for times and dates.

If you have any questions about the group I traveled with, contact me at Do to security, I am unable to post that information on this site.

Thank you for your prayers! To God be the glory, great things He has done.

1 comment:

latebloomersSR said...

When was you last trip to Myanmar? I loved the collage photos. I hope we can chat soon. What are you plans this spring/summer?
I miss you (and Elenore).
Praises for your enthusiasm!

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