Monday, February 23, 2009

Desiring to be more "child-like" in my faith

Some of God's favorite people are CHILDREN

Future Kingdom Builders!

I can't think of any situation recorded in the bible that tells of Jesus pulling aside children from the crowd to tell them to sit quiet, stop interrupting or disturbing his important meetings. Instead, I notice Jesus exhorting the local adults, the important community and religious leaders to be more like children! How do you suppose the business men and religious elite felt when Jesus told them such things? Just for a moment, try to place yourself in their situation.

Word has spread that the God man Jesus and his handful of disciples have just arrived to your village. The hillside to the north of town is swarming with noisy people anxious to get a closer glimpse of him. Although you still have much work to do, you quickly close your shop early and join the other important men of the community in a processional up the side of the hill. Eventually you are able to navigate your way towards the front of the crowd that has gathered.

There he is. Jesus, the one you've hear so much about is standing right before your eyes. Humm…you thought he’d be taller or more sophisticated looking. You strain to hear what he's saying, but it is difficult with so many children climbing around and clamoring for his attention! You and the other men try to hold back an armful of these energetic youngsters, but with out much success!

Finally, Jesus speaks up in a firm voice. Everyone becomes quiet. You're sure the next words spoken will have something to do with the need to restrain these little ones, as they are obviously disrupting this important gathering! You watch as Jesus points to the dusty footed, scraggly haired kids who earlier had been running underfoot, but now are pressing in closely around him. Then he says something you NEVER expected to hear. "Let the little children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matt 19:14)

The Kingdom of God can not be obtained by wealth or education. It doesn't belong to the moral, spiritual or religious achievers. You can not enter by works and self-righteousness or by earning merits. Anybody who wishes to receive the Kingdom, must become like a child, humble, simple and dependent. Salvation is a gift, it can not be purchased or earned. The message of the Cross is offensive to some because it highlights our complete helplessness. We must be willing to lay aside all our human efforts and receive this priceless gift. We are saved by faith, "child like" faith and not by works. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do " (Eph 2:8-9)

Children are...



joyfully secure in their father's love...


Sometimes we don't know how deeply rooted our pride is until we are invited to become as a child, undignified or unsophisticated in front of our peers! Recently my nephews came up with an interesting way to communication their affection for me. They decided to lavish me from head to toes with their favorite stickers- 47 to be exact! Did they think to do this when we were alone? No, they decided to adorn me while friends and neighbors were visiting for a party.



As an adult I need to be reminded to be more "child-like" in my approach to life. As Christians we are children of the King of Kings. We are given a new identity through Christ. God has exchanged our old-self or "old name tags" for new ones! He says, throw aside your former life for you no longer will be called; forsaken, unloved, abandoned or worthless. Our Heavenly Father gives us new "name tags" that reflect our new position through the blood of Jesus. God now calls us His sons and daughters, His holy priests, chosen ones, forgiven, redeemed, restored, full of hope, full of joy, full of faith, and greatly LOVED.

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