Thursday, March 5, 2009

Singing in the Rain

What's that old saying....the apple doesn't fall far from the tree? Yes, this is my daughter and my mother dancing in the middle of the street in a rain storm! For those of you who have wondered at times why I am the way I am.... here you go, it must be in our DNA!

We are called to "Rejoice in the Lord always" even when the storms of life pour down on us. Remember, our God is greater than the storms and His love for us is unfailing! So grab your boots and umbrella and hit the streets.... for the JOY of the Lord is your strength.

1 comment:

latebloomersSR said...

This is a wonderful aspect of communicating God's love to all peoples. Thank you for your postings. I dream about attending Urbana someday. You can pray about that for me.
In the meantime, note that the Perspectives course in Santa Rosa just ended and there will be another one in 2010, thanks to the Teagues, MJ and other.

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