Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's a twister, it's a twister! Quick everybody get in the closet?

Toto we're defiantly not in California anymore! Here in Tennessee, they have REAL weather. I mean it, they have CRAZY intense storms that make you think you're in a scene from The Wizard of Oz. During a "sever storm warning" the sirens usually go off, the sky turn black with clouds, wind, thunder and lightening and in a matter of minutes you're headed for the nearest our case that was a closet......YIKES!

We had one of those episodes last week. I was about a mile from home having my hair trimmed, when to my surprise an employee approached me with a phone message. My daughter was on the line, "Hurry home... a bad storm is heading our way!". Although she sounded somewhat frantic, I attributed her tone to slightly overzealous "I'm pregnant with twins" hormones.

No sooner had I pulled into our driveway when the wind and rain became FURIOUS. Oh my GOSH, I'll take California earthquakes any day over a TORNADO. Trying to quickly corral a rambunctious two year old and her "ready-to-deliver-twins-any-day" mom into a dark bedroom closet for shelter hardly seemed safe considering what was going on outside....but that's what we did. A "pregnant-with-twins mom" should never try to scurry down a hall or leap over the family's golden retriever (who was blocking our access rout) during an impending tornado. After we nestled ourselves in the closet we realized that in her rush to safety....poor Heidi had pulled a groin muscle. We are all fine now, but Heidi was confined to a wheelchair for a few days. Life is never dull!

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