Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Living in a War Zone (Part 2)

Just when you think things are beginning to settle down after an intense week of living in a war zone....more happens! Currently I am recovering from a broken arm which required surgery (two pins placed inside) This injury happened early morning, 6:30am Sunday. The day we celebrate Pentecost.

Since things appeared to be settling down a little, I was headed out to do another prayer walk in my neighborhood, the Nana Plaza area. This is where we live, in the heart of the red light district. It's like living in a spiritual war zone! Customers are lured in to view or (for a price) participate in just about any form of twisted sexual fantasy or indulgence they can imagine in these bars.

Whenever we talk to the men hanging around our area, they usually say, "Hey...we're just out to have a few drinks and some fun with our buddies!" I wonder if they would be so eager to go into some of these bars if they knew; Most women are considered property of the bar, it is very common for bar owners to perform sorcery, witchcraft and covenant with demonic powers INSIDE the bars and ON the women BEFORE these "happy go lucky" men arrive. By inviting these spirits in and worshiped them, bar owners hope to have a lucrative night. These dark forces are INVISIBLE, but very real!

Anyway, with all the recent violence in Bangkok, the bars and everything else are on a mandatory curfew. That means for a short period of time everyday, the Nana Plaza is completely empty. This is very unusual, as the Plaza is always open! It seemed like a perfect time for intercession! If I could get into the main plaza area before 8:00am, it would be quiet enough to prayerfully walk through each corridor and declare God's promises from the scriptures without drawing to much attention.

Worshiping, declaring and speaking God's words of hope, life and freedom to the captives, doesn't usually sit well with the spiritual forces of darkness! You should never do such things casually, as it is like entering a war zone without any protection or weapons! It is necessary to be well prepared and well covered by the Spirit of God.

Well, I only made it a few steps out my door that morning before I was sabotaged. I fell VERY hard onto the white marble flooring, catching all my weight on one arm. But what did I fall on? I could see nothing!

Although I was INSIDE the apartment building, clear water had pooled the entire length of our entrance. It was a completely INVISIBLE water slick right outside my door! As my friends helped me to the hospital, they were VERY careful not to step into ANOTHER water slick along the way, but there were no others- Just the one in front of our door!

So, what do you make of that? I'm not exactly sure. There is STILL much to learn about spiritual warfare. This broken arm is only a minor set back!

1 comment:

Jennie Joy said...

Sorry to hear about the broken arm, Kathy! Praying for you and with you for Thailand!

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