Friday, November 19, 2010

My NightLight team from Bangkok visits Southern California

In a span of 48 hours.... I drove to Los Angles, connected with my NightLight team from Bangkok, enjoyed a FREE trip to Disneyland, helped Deana and Amber work at the Nightlight LA office, filled jewelry orders, drove to Pasadena and helped set up for Annie's speaking engagement at Fuller. THEN....I left that event and drove to Riverside (arriving after midnight) crashed out on the floor at a friends house, had lunch at the beautiful Mission Inn, drove back to La Jolla to meet Dr. Clay Ford (Pastor and Chairman of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries) hung out at La Jolla beach with my BKK team & Hannah Ford (musician/artist who God used at "Revival in Disneyland" on Youtube!) Finally after all that, I came back to the Mission Bay area, climbed into my little bed and COLLAPSED. I'm exhausted, but it sure was FUN!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Latest Accessory in Fall Fashion?

You've heard of THE TERMINATOR? Well, for the past week I've been THE SUPINATOR!

Recently, I've been on a very specialized (short term) treatment program which involves wearing a MONSTROUS supination splint. I must SIT STILL (not an easy task for me) with a gigantic robotic cuff on my arm multiple times during the day. My fashionable new "accessory" probably won't make the cover of Vogue Magazine, or show up on a Google search, "Fantastic New Ways to Accessorize Your Fall Wardrobe" but don't let that fool you! This crazy thing, although not very attractive, is strengthening my wrist....or at least that what the professionals tell me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Politicians aren't the only ones slinging mud!

rain storms (+) dirt (X) two little boys=FUN!

Play'en in the mud, it's a great way to spend the afternoon. After all... we can't let the Politicians have ALL the fun. The elections are tomorrow, it should be an interesting day!
On Sunday October 31, I spent the evening participating in a massive outreach event put on by Newbreak Church. A major part of downtown Tierrasanta was completely closed off to traffic to accommodate this huge party! Thousands came and had a great time! Most people I spoke to thought the event was sponsored by the city of San Diego. When they realized a local church in their neighborhood was throwing this gigantic (FREE) party to bless their kids...they were blown away!

Very impressed with the excellent job NB church leaders did in preparing their people to serve in their community. Since my hand has been getting stronger, I really wanted to help. Face Painting seemed like a great idea, so that's where I started. For many hours our team painted adorable little faces of every size, shape and color! Each little face was an opportunity, to bless, to love on, to quietly pray over or to engage parents in a conversation. Oh, how I have missed these kinds of activities. So glad to be healing. So glad to be plugged into a healthy, outward focused church. I LOVE EVANGELISM.

Community - Everybody needs connections