Monday, November 1, 2010

On Sunday October 31, I spent the evening participating in a massive outreach event put on by Newbreak Church. A major part of downtown Tierrasanta was completely closed off to traffic to accommodate this huge party! Thousands came and had a great time! Most people I spoke to thought the event was sponsored by the city of San Diego. When they realized a local church in their neighborhood was throwing this gigantic (FREE) party to bless their kids...they were blown away!

Very impressed with the excellent job NB church leaders did in preparing their people to serve in their community. Since my hand has been getting stronger, I really wanted to help. Face Painting seemed like a great idea, so that's where I started. For many hours our team painted adorable little faces of every size, shape and color! Each little face was an opportunity, to bless, to love on, to quietly pray over or to engage parents in a conversation. Oh, how I have missed these kinds of activities. So glad to be healing. So glad to be plugged into a healthy, outward focused church. I LOVE EVANGELISM.

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