Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sons and Daughters of Encouragement!

I have many heroes in the Bible, but one that has always impressed me is Barnabas. During his ministry he sure seemed to do a great job of modeling “faithfulness through difficulties” and how to “love others well". You might remember Barnabas as the one who accompanied Paul on some of the early mission trips.  He was know by his peers as the “son of encouragement!” (or the son of Paraclete). Wow, that’s pretty awesome especially when you know what that Paraclete means! It's a powerful word that means, “one who come along side another, to be an advocate for, the comforter, a helper, an encourager!” In the book of John, Jesus describe His gift to us (the Holy Spirit) as the Paraclete (John 16:7-8)

All of us, at some point in time, find ourselves in physical, emotional, financial and spiritually challenging situations. It is in those time that the Holy Spirit eagerly "comes along side" us and faithfully provides our needs. He is our advocate, our comforter and encourager! As followers of Jesus, we are called to do the same for others!

There are still three days left for me to prepare for this trip, and I sure could use A LOT MORE of  God's love in my life! Let’s pray together that God will FILL US UP TO OVER-FLOWING with His love and joy..... that we might be allowed to share the privilege of “coming along side” those who are pastors and missionaries as “comforters, helpers and encouragers”.  We can practice being more like Barnabas- sons and daughters of encouragement! Thank you so much for your support!

1 comment:

Gee said...

Good message. Thank you

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