Friday, September 28, 2007

Living with Integrity

The Men in My Life!

Today is my oldest son's birthday, and five days ago was my youngest son's birthday. I have two amazing sons! The men in my life also include a great son-inlaw and one awesome younger brother. They are all bright, personable, fun loving and gifted. I am so proud of them for so many reasons. In a world where it is acceptable to do your own thing, to live life on your own terms or to think that "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, it's okay", they have chosen to live as men of integrity.

The qualities of integrity are rare these days! For many in our culture the idea of remaining faithful to a spouse or sexually pure is almost considered a joke. For those who have rationalized that there is no real danger in the virtual world of cyber sex, think again! The increased use of Internet pornography is staggering, and this is not just an issue for the men, hundreds of thousands of women have become caught in it's snare as well. Sometimes we fail to see that the real problem lays much deeper than that of lust or lack of self control.

Soon I will be heading for Thailand, a country that has a thriving pornography industry. Many men, women, young teens and even little children fall prey to this activity. Please pray for me as I may be working in very close proximity to all of these things. I am keenly aware that anyone at anytime can fall into this pit and climbing out of it can be very difficult. If you or someone you know is struggling to break free from these snares, fortunately there is plenty of help available for those who desire it.

Need a battle plan?

Go to the GOT QUESTIONS link, scroll to EVERY MAN'S BATTLE (view the video)

For those surfing the net for information, travel or anything else about Thailand, please be careful! TAKE GREAT CAUTION as there are many visual links and advertisements that could easily trip you up!


Lisa C. said...

Love the blogspot Kathy!!!! Way to go! Thanks for setting this up. So many people are going to enjoy being updated on all the wonderful and intersting things going on in your life. :-) Keeping you in my prayers,


Kathy LeBarron said...

Hey, now you're an offical blogger!
Keep reading and I'll keep posting. I think the kids will enjoy the "Thai Cooking" on my LINKS and "Knitting Needles and Noodles". Check them out, let me know if they liked it.

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