Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Roomie!

An important part of our training at CIT involves living in community. There are many couples with small children who are here, as well as eight of us "singles" who are enrolled in fall classes. Seven of those eight singles, are women!

We all live together in a small community within the campus. My fellow students are from all over the country and are preparing to head out to places all over the world! Many of the countries they will be going to are "closed", which is why I am unable to show you many pictures or give you too many details about them.

It is so nice to have a room mate who enjoys some of the same things I do. Debbie and I are about the same age and have similar personal backgrounds. We love to go on long walks (which gives us time to process ALL THAT WE ARE LEARNING!) we love prayer, worship and are not embarrassed to be caught dancing around the apartment to the loud praises of an Afican drum beat! God is good!

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Community - Everybody needs connections