Sunday, October 21, 2007

May Day! May Day!

Language learning involves training my mouth,
my thinking patterns and my ears to respond correctly
to new and unfamiliar data! Cross-cultural work will require
me to become somewhat of a communication specialist in
a culture other than my own. Learning to process EVERYTHING
through new cultural filters is not easy, the simplest tasks
can become very complicated or be completely misunderstood.
Attempting to immerse oneself in a new
culture can be challenging and there will no doubt be
times when even my best efforts will not be enough. It will
be those times when I can take great comfort in knowing
He initiated it, He will accomplishing His purposes
with or without me and yet He has graciously invited me to
join Him in this work. II Corinthians 4:1 is a good reminder
for me when I begin to feel overwhelmed. It is through God's
mercy that I have this ministry, and for that reason, I am not
to lose heart ... even when I fall short. Thankfully God has
promised to never leave me alone to fend for myself!
Unfortunately, not everyone is that lucky. Have you ever felt like
the the guy in this clip? If so, send me your comments.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Well said my friend!

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