Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Functional vs Dysfunctional

Who is the Father Carving You To Be?

Understanding who I am in Christ, out trumps who I was and how it is that I became numbered among the vast sea of dysfunctionals. No family or person is perfect, but that did not seem to slow me down from trying. That’s what dysfunctional people do, we try and try to make sense of a world that has none. The harder we try to sort through what seems to be an unending cycle of chaos or insecurities the deeper we fall into despair and denial. In an escape to flee the inevitable branding of being “damaged goods”, many of us ran smack into the undeniable, unconditional, inescapable love of a Heavenly Father.

How great is the Father’s love that we should be called children of God! Today I am a new creature in Christ, old things have passed away. My value does not come from who I am, but who’s I am. I belong to Jesus. He calls me; Beloved, Chosen and Redeemed. These new titles may have been stamped on me at the time of my conversion, but they become engraved in me through the struggles and trials of life.

God is not the one who subjects us to terrors; dysfunction begets dysfunction, sin brings forth more sin. During my younger years I observed unhealthy patterns for marriage, conflict resolution and life in general. I filed these pieces of information away in my mind as “normal”. As an adult, these same dysfunctional patterns manifest themselves through 15 years of marriage. I played a part in repeating the cycle.

The scars of domestic violence never really fade away. They are like deep gouges that disfigure a fine piece of wood. So how do people move forward? Where and how does healing take place? I can only share with you how it has been happening in my life.

Among other things, my earthly father was a craftsman, a carver who painstakingly transformed ordinary blocks of wood into beautiful master pieces. In a similar way I see my Heavenly Father, as a master craftsman, lovingly transforming my damaged life through the years. Seeing the deep gouges of fear and distrust in my life, He carefully, painstakingly chiseled over the top of them with His grace and love. What others might have discarded as damaged or scrap lumber, unfit for any good thing, God has firmly set hold of for His Kingdom purposes. He engraved deep into my soul that which was initially only stamped on to the surface. I am a daughter of the King, I am His workmanship created for His glory!

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