Thursday, January 17, 2008

In Search of My Ankles and Bananas!

I got to bed last night, had a good sleep and woke up ready to go! Stepping out of bed I glanced down to see my feet….look mom, no ankles! Any of you who have traveled in a plane for more that 7 hours understand how puffy you can get. I thought I would be clever this time and select the low sodium meals while in flight. With in-flight meals carefully selected, lots of water and getting up and moving around a lot, I figured there would be much swelling. WRONG.

Oh well, today will be full of new adventures, all of which involve lots of stairs! That should be good for circulation and swelling. My room is on the fourth floor, so there is plenty of opportunity for exercise!

Today’s goals are simple:
  1. Rest
  2. Try to send communications back to the States
  3. Find my way around this massive Resort
  4. Locate possible PIONEERS members
  5. Find drinking water and locate some food.
Our stay here includes a wonderful breakfast, but we are on our own for the rest of the meals. Wish me luck. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Conference and the meeting of new friends!

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