Monday, November 17, 2008

Hungry for the impossible!

Until we invade the impossible, we have not put to the test this Gospel.
We must be hungry for the impossible.
We are indebted to humanity to release the power of Jesus into their impossibilities!
Pastor Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding California

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eternal Significance

"People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives ... and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted." - Nate Saint
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Team Dynamics

TOO many pieces!

Our vacuum is a frightening sight. Must there be so many pieces and parts, just to accomplish ONE task? Will it still work if I use only three of the pieces instead of all twelve? Some of the parts are broken and have to be taped together and other pieces are seemingly worthless! All I know is, it won't work unless ALL THE PIECES ARE CONNECTED TOGETHER CORRECTLY.

God speaks to me in the most unusual and crazy ways sometimes! (That's what I enjoy most about God, He understands me, loves me and knows how to get my attention) Last week I was trying to assemble this lovely vacuum cleaner when I was reminded of the Kingdom of God. (I told you it was a little crazy) But think about it, when it comes to a MINISTRY TEAM all the parts are important! Not only do all the pieces have value, but ministry doesn't work well if the pieces aren't connected together correctly!

We serve a big God and He has created us all so beautifully unique! I believe there are people in the harvest fields RIGHT NOW who have been prayerfully seeking God for a team member/worker/partner who looks just like me! The task God has called them to will be more effective when their "extension hose" or " connector bracket" arrives. "Connecting up" with others who are equally full of hope excites me. The opportunity to extend the blessing of salvation to all the Nations is not a duty or frustrating chore, but an awesome privilege.

None of us are perfect, certainly not me! We need one another to be successful. I can't wait to see who the Holy Spirit connects me to. Isn't it amzing to know that God is able to uses the ordinary, broken, or "taped together" pieces of our lives to accomplish the extraordinary!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The offence of Legalism

Legalism is the distortion of Grace

Legalism : A religious system which emphasises rules, codes and laws we must succeed at, or a standard we must attain in order to earn acceptance, favor, merit ot love!

Grace: The unmerited, unearned, special favor of God's love and mercy lavished upon us through Christ!

God is so rich in mercy and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when Christ raised from the dead. Salvation is not a reward for good things you have done, but a gift of grace (undeserved, special favor without merit) Ephesians 2:4-10

"Here is a simple test to check whether you are prone to a legalistic thinking: ask yourself, "How does God feel about me today?" If the answer is anything other than, He is passionately in love with me, then you are falling into the trap of thinking that God's attitude towards us is determined by our performance rather than by his essential loving character. In other words, you're thinking as though God's favour is earned rather than freely given. " Quote from Mike Taylor , From Legalism to Grace, 2001.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Love the Unlovely

Daring to be Honest before God...

It was mid February, that I entered into a season of prayer and fasting. During those cloudy and cold months that followed, God’s piercing truth convicted me concerning a specific group of people. "Are you willing to love the unlovely?" My answer blurted out much too quickly. "Of course!" My subconscious began to tally an invisible list of street people, criminals and addicts with whom I had worked. Certainly, He must be aware of these? The Spirit continued the questioning, "Really? I have noticed one culture, one group of people that you have consistently been unwilling to love". This came as an unexpected revelation to say the least! As the Spirit continued to slice through my jumbled thoughts, I scrambled again to defend myself, but it was too late! God’s words were cutting to my core. All at once, I knew this loving rebuke was absolutely true.

There was a “culture” of sorts that I was unwilling to love; in fact I had considered them for the most part, un-redeemable! In the past, I only tolerated the members of this well established group. Although their adherents had been responsible for much frustration and discouragement through the generations, they seem perfectly content with their community norms, "status-quo" structures and unique or better yet, "exclusive" language.

What is this so-called culture? Well, lets just say you won't find them on the Joshua Project list of unreached people. The culture of which I speak, are loyal to practice of Religious Institutionalism. Shamefully, I was completely unwilling to love those with their allegiances firmly planted in the rich soil of apathy, complacency, legalism and self-righteousness.

An internal storm swelled within me as the Spirit of God brought these images to the surface for a closer viewing. (Daring to be honest before God can get ugly!) My ego, my pride, was stirred up and worked dutifully to redeem itself from such pointed accusations...but there was no escaping God. Knowing God is Truth, unfortunately did not keep me from protesting. My unvoiced, yet determined confrontations continued. "Please God, I will gladly serve in any other culture in any other land, but don’t ask me to work among the religious, who cloister themselves in a cushion of institutional comfort!"

Then, just as quickly as I had erupted, now a deep quietness was settling in. Stillness. Silence. The gentle uprooting my own dreadful self-righteousness and lack of compassion continued quietly. Holy God was holding the mirror of His truth just close enough for me to see dimly my own unlovely reflection. Yep, there it was. With no more desire to struggle or to escape, no more arguments were necessary. God’s words to me were accurate.

It is truly easier to love the broken, the filthy or addicted. To befriend the criminals, prostitutes and thieves is no problem. At least they are forthright about their condition, their spiritual depravity or lost-ness. That however was not the question. The question at hand was, had I been willing to love the unlovely? Was I willing to love the “Religious” or the modern day “Pharisees”, those who rest their souls upon their own man-made institutions and traditions and not on God? In silence again, I sat, this time for a long while. Humbled by God’s ability to know my heart, I was without any excuses.

"Yes Lord... you are right...I am guilty. Please, please forgive me. Unlike Jesus, I have not been willing to love the unlovely."

"For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are." Hebrews 4:12

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