Thursday, November 13, 2008

Team Dynamics

TOO many pieces!

Our vacuum is a frightening sight. Must there be so many pieces and parts, just to accomplish ONE task? Will it still work if I use only three of the pieces instead of all twelve? Some of the parts are broken and have to be taped together and other pieces are seemingly worthless! All I know is, it won't work unless ALL THE PIECES ARE CONNECTED TOGETHER CORRECTLY.

God speaks to me in the most unusual and crazy ways sometimes! (That's what I enjoy most about God, He understands me, loves me and knows how to get my attention) Last week I was trying to assemble this lovely vacuum cleaner when I was reminded of the Kingdom of God. (I told you it was a little crazy) But think about it, when it comes to a MINISTRY TEAM all the parts are important! Not only do all the pieces have value, but ministry doesn't work well if the pieces aren't connected together correctly!

We serve a big God and He has created us all so beautifully unique! I believe there are people in the harvest fields RIGHT NOW who have been prayerfully seeking God for a team member/worker/partner who looks just like me! The task God has called them to will be more effective when their "extension hose" or " connector bracket" arrives. "Connecting up" with others who are equally full of hope excites me. The opportunity to extend the blessing of salvation to all the Nations is not a duty or frustrating chore, but an awesome privilege.

None of us are perfect, certainly not me! We need one another to be successful. I can't wait to see who the Holy Spirit connects me to. Isn't it amzing to know that God is able to uses the ordinary, broken, or "taped together" pieces of our lives to accomplish the extraordinary!

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