Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freezer Burn?

Freezer Burn- this is what can happen if we store things for too long in the freezer! According to the articles I’ve read, apparently freezer burn can’t kill you. It does however render your food tasteless and unappealing!

An interesting metaphor stirs in my mind as I dig through the layers of ice and unrecognizable clumps of gray, frosted foods. At one time “this thing” was a delicious, flavorful item!

Just like the job of defrosting a freezer, from time to time it's good to ask, "What have I been storing for too long…that has now become gray, flavorless or unappealing to the world around me?" People are hungry for a fresh, flavorful revelation of God’s love, goodness and power. I am obligated to seek ways to “serve it fresh” daily.

Too often I have failed to be generous with what I have been given at the moment, not willing to trust that my Father in Heaven will provide me “fresh bread” for tomorrow's needs. I think this is one of the keys to being an extravagantly generous person. We can be generous people in all ways, because our God does not have limited resources!

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