Friday, May 28, 2010

An unexpected ENCOUNTER!

1:48 in the morning Woke up to many unpleasant sounds from the neighboring building. I’m now sitting on the floor in the dark, up against my wall. This is as close as I can get to the female on the other side who is now weeping. From the sound of her voice she is Thai, although I have no idea how old. She is enduring a VERY rough sexual encounter with at least one other person. There was a struggle, some desperate pleading, then lots whimpering throughout the ordeal. Only a small amount of plaster separates us. I feel so helpless. She's still weeping. I continue to press my cheek, ear and hands against the plaster wall and call out to Father God on her behalf. Help! Jesus come, Holy Spirit come, you are the Great Comforter…please come to her aide!

2:21 in the morning- As I continue to call out to the Comforter, I hear peaceful singing and gentle strumming like that of a guitar. Where is it coming from? It sounds very close, but definitely not coming from the neighboring building. Perhaps the commotion woke my two roommates down the hall? Maybe they are awake and interceding too. I head down the hall toward their room, but the light is off and the their door is shut. The peaceful melodies continue and although I can’t make out any of the words it sounds familiar. Not wanting to disturb mt roommates I return to my room to continue praying.

2:35 in the morning - Still praying, asking God to reveal himself to the woman on the other side of my wall. Also asking for God's mercy on the hundreds of others in my neighborhood who may be experiencing similar situations. The weeping has quieted some. The soothing tones of worship continue and I am thinking- “Wow, Sandy is really improving with her guitar skills, how is she able to play those chords in the dark?”

2:45 in the morning- Now, I’m feeling inspired. Maybe I should play my favorite Thai worship CD and aim it towards the wall, towards where I heard the woman weeping. If I can hear her, she should be able to hear these words of love. My computer is now aimed at the wall. I fall asleep some time after 3: 10am.

7:30 in the morning- Asked my two roommates how long they stayed awake worshiping last night? They looked quite puzzled at my question. They were sound asleep all night! I asked again, this time recalling how I could clearly hear worshiping, gentle singing and strumming of an instrument until I fell asleep. No other people live in our building! I ask again, "Are you absolutely SURE you didn't leave your computer, radio or CD playing last night?" Janie and Sandy both answered, " No, we left nothing on, no music was playing. Then Janie smiled with excitement and said, “This morning I read these verses in my bible, Zephaniah 3:17." Here are the verses:

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he
will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

Do you still think God can't hear your prayers?

Do you still think you are alone?

God is mighty to save and He is also our comforter. He wants to quiet our anxious spirit with His melodies of love in the night. WOW!!


Jennie Joy said...


Davida said...

Love this!!! Praise God! :)

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