Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Taste of Americana?

I was in one of the larger markets this last weekend and noticed they were having a special event! America style foods and treats were being promoted and the store was decorated with US flags and logos. That's fun, I thought....let's see what food item they are featuring!

Yea, Pringles Potato Chips, those are yummy treats.....oops I spoke too soon. When was the last time you dashed out to your local store for some junk food in these tempting flavors?

Lemon Sesame Seed, Grilled Shrimp, Seaweed or BLUEBERRY Hazelnut! How is that last flavor even possible? I don't know, but you might want to pick up a few cans for your next big backyard BBQ.

1 comment:

Jennie Joy said...

Wow. Blueberry Hazelnut? Please tell me you bought some... hahaha... reminds me of the time I tried the bean and corn ice cream in Cambodia. I've learned my lesson. :)

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