Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cultural adjustments

It's hard NOT to notice that Thai people don't seem to be the slightest bit bashful about primping in public. Frequent adjustments of their make-up, hair or clothing in front of mirrors or any object that might reflect, is standard. They are also very comfortable telling OTHERS what they think about your appearance. A good morning greeting could be followed by, "You look very BEAUTIFUL today" or they could just as easily tell you, "You look much FATTER today"

How is it that the topic of a person's appearance has become the favorite conversational pass time for these people? In my home culture these types of spoken comments would be considered quite rude. Why are the Thai so preoccupied with aesthetics?

Then I came to my senses!

Thai people aren't any more preoccupied with appearances than Westerners, they're just more HONEST about it! My Western culture (especially in the US) rates people according to their beauty, wealth, age.... even their education. Sometimes we might be more subtle about these unspoken standards and other times we are very obvious!

We are to thrive!

I have a few plants that seem determined to commit suicide! Today I was giving them a pep-talk (yes, I know...but that's suppose to help them...right?) I reminded them, "I'm trying to help keep you alive! If you wanted to grow and thrive you need to cooperate with me a little."

As I headed back inside my room, I was still thinking, don't these crazy plants want to live? Then, just as quickly as I said these words, I could hear the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart. "Now you know how I feel..."

Everyday our Heavenly Father asks us, "Hey, don't you want to grow and thrive? I'm trying to help you, but you need to cooperate with me a little."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rainy Season- Ruduu FonTok!

I'm learning about Thailand's seasons in my language class. The rainy season is on it's way! We've already had some huge storms with thunder and lightning like I've NEVER experienced! I've been told we'll be getting lots MORE rain soon..... and on a DAILY basis.

That should be an adventure since every time it rains outside, it also rains inside! Our house is still a work in progress and there are many repairs being worked on, including our roof.

Last week I came home to 3 inches of standing water covering the whole kitchen floor. The plastic water bottles and our flip-flop sandals were floating around in the water like little boats! There was standing water to some degree on all five floors. How could that be? Easy, our flat roof is a GIANT basin that collects water. I's like a big swimming pool, when it can't hold anymore water, it spills INTO the house, down the stairs and into each floor. It makes a waterfall that pours all the way through the house. Hopefully we have someone coming soon to make repairs!

A Taste of Americana?

I was in one of the larger markets this last weekend and noticed they were having a special event! America style foods and treats were being promoted and the store was decorated with US flags and logos. That's fun, I thought....let's see what food item they are featuring!

Yea, Pringles Potato Chips, those are yummy treats.....oops I spoke too soon. When was the last time you dashed out to your local store for some junk food in these tempting flavors?

Lemon Sesame Seed, Grilled Shrimp, Seaweed or BLUEBERRY Hazelnut! How is that last flavor even possible? I don't know, but you might want to pick up a few cans for your next big backyard BBQ.

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