Sunday, August 22, 2010

Did not have a phone or internet immediately upon my arrival to San Diego, so THANK YOU for patience and continuous prayers as I traveled! Arrived back to States, safely, no mishaps and with no "jet-lag". In Bangkok dear friends carried luggage and accompanied me all the way to the ticketing area. At LAX there was no trouble managing my suitcases, computer bag and push cart. Although there was a 2-3 hour wait through customs (special security measures in LAX) I was randomly ushered through the process in less than one hour! FAVOR.

Along the way I was unable to send messages. Internet café in Taipei was down and the only "hot spot" in my transfer area was jammed with wall to wall people. Instead of being able to share an update with all of you, I was able to share the Gospel, the story of God's power and love for us with a few passengers.

My brother drove from San Diego to pick me up at the LA airport, and he was right THERE as soon as I stepped beyond the exiting corridor. No hunting around for each other in the crowds! Made it back to his home by 1:30 in the morning. 23 hours of traveling- done!

Before my arrival to San Diego, my brother, his wife and my mother, read chapter 7 in the book Serving as Senders. This is an excellent book that addresses many of the emotions, needs and processes that happen when a missionary must return to their home culture unexpectedly! He and his family made special efforts to make my arrival back to USA welcoming and smooth! This included setting up my own private space in a cozy and comfortable RV in their gigantic back yard. So it feels very much like I'm camping at the coast, which I absolutely love. In addition, in a few days they set up wireless internet so I could communicate more easily. I am so blessed to have such great family and dear friends.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Prayers for Healing

In May I suffered a break to my arm. I was quickly ushered to one of the best hospitals in South East Asia and told by the orthopedic specialist; this would be “An easy surgery, a piece of cake to repair.” It wasn’t long before complications set in and then the prognosis shifted to “Sorry, but I don’t expect much more improvement in your hand”

Three months after surgery, and 6 weeks of Physical Therapy,including dipping in hot wax, I still had significant swelling and pain.

My wrist remained frozen, ZERO ability to flex or rotate, about 10% ability to supinate. Range of motion to fingers is roughly 15% and the color of my hand was abnormal, odd purplish-gray tint, looked like my hand was dying?

I was strongly advised by another professional in the US to leave immediately, unless I wanted to lose the use of my hand permanently. With in a few days I left Bangkok to meet with a hand specialist in San Diego.

I tried to zoom in on this photo that was taken the night before I left Bangkok. The flash doesn't give to an accurate idea of the odd color (grayish white) but you can see how swollen the left wrist, hand and fingers are as I hug a good friend "good bye"

Prior to my leaving, I was called forward for a special farewell prayer after the worship service by the leaders in NightLight. For many of the 80 women whom we employ through this ministry, this was the first they knew of the urgent need to leave. They had watched and prayed faithfully for months, wondering when would there be improvement to my hand. I knelt down on the floor and they surrounded me, laying hands on me, praying for God’s will to be accomplished in my life….then sudden, my hand began to spasm, twitching wildly, uncontrollably! It was like electric shock waves were being shot through my arm and out my fingers.

It didn’t hurt, is was just very bizarre! Annie asked, “What’s going on, what are you doing!!?” I told her nothing! I’m not doing anything, my hand was acting spontaneously! I don’t know what is going on, but the power of God was doing something!

This condition lasted more than an hour, as specific prayer for healing continued. Most of the time I was overwhelmed by God’s Spirit and needed others to prop me up or I would topple over. We began to notice the color of my hand was changing right before our eyes. The swelling was going down! You could begin to see the tendons and veins in my hand clearly. My watch which was originally fitting normally was now was loosely dangling on my wrist due to the shrinking tissues, My puffed smooth hand was looking more contoured. I’ve never been so happy to see my crinkly “older than I'd like to admit" skin! It was happening right before our eyes. We kept saying to each other, do you see that, do you see that??!! Confirming with one another that this was not our imagination!

It was amazing. God was definitely doing something, but why now? Why an hour or so before time to leave for the airport? I still don’t know and I may never know, but I’m excited. Like a child who has just been given present from their daddy, I wanted everybody to see this gift! Look! Look! Can you see the difference! God does not being a good thing and then not finish it. So although my hand is SIGNIFICANTLY better, looks alive and healthier, less swollen, can move more freely, I will continue to trust Him for COMPLETE healing!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reading for meaning? That's almost funny!

Language class is challenging, but very important if I'm ever going to communicate in a meaningful way! I've been in school for three months learning to speak Thai. Class is 5 days a week, four hours a day....then I spend many more hours each day trying to memorizing and practicing language!

Last month we started reading and writing. I still haven't figured out why my Thai teacher insists on us writing sooooooo small. To get an idea of how small, I put my watch next to the Thai characters. Notice the size comparison next to the date and the pin on my watch?

There is only one person I know who enjoys writing this friend Dr. Jones! CHUCK, where are you when I need you! HELP.

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