Sunday, August 22, 2010

Did not have a phone or internet immediately upon my arrival to San Diego, so THANK YOU for patience and continuous prayers as I traveled! Arrived back to States, safely, no mishaps and with no "jet-lag". In Bangkok dear friends carried luggage and accompanied me all the way to the ticketing area. At LAX there was no trouble managing my suitcases, computer bag and push cart. Although there was a 2-3 hour wait through customs (special security measures in LAX) I was randomly ushered through the process in less than one hour! FAVOR.

Along the way I was unable to send messages. Internet café in Taipei was down and the only "hot spot" in my transfer area was jammed with wall to wall people. Instead of being able to share an update with all of you, I was able to share the Gospel, the story of God's power and love for us with a few passengers.

My brother drove from San Diego to pick me up at the LA airport, and he was right THERE as soon as I stepped beyond the exiting corridor. No hunting around for each other in the crowds! Made it back to his home by 1:30 in the morning. 23 hours of traveling- done!

Before my arrival to San Diego, my brother, his wife and my mother, read chapter 7 in the book Serving as Senders. This is an excellent book that addresses many of the emotions, needs and processes that happen when a missionary must return to their home culture unexpectedly! He and his family made special efforts to make my arrival back to USA welcoming and smooth! This included setting up my own private space in a cozy and comfortable RV in their gigantic back yard. So it feels very much like I'm camping at the coast, which I absolutely love. In addition, in a few days they set up wireless internet so I could communicate more easily. I am so blessed to have such great family and dear friends.

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