Friday, October 29, 2010

This is San Diego, it's not suppose to rain!
For the past two weeks we have had REAL rain, enough to make puddles and cause people to use their windshield wipers and umbrellas! This is soooooo.... not normal "Sunny California" weather.

My once vast back yard living area (of desert sand, clay and dirt) is now green with new baby grass! A lovely carpet of green surrounds my little camper/trailer home. After living in the concert jungles of Bangkok's skyscrapers, I had forgotten how allergic I am to some "green things" grass. The whole time in Thailand's hot tropic, humid, mold and mildewy climate, I never once had troubles with allergies. A few inches of rain in San Diego and now I'm a sneezing, sniffling, crazy woman! I think that's funny...Aaaaa chuuuu!

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