Monday, February 18, 2008

A quick word of thanks to all my prayer warriors!

I thank my God every time I remember you.” Phil. 1:3

My return back to the States was an adventure in itself! I made it back to Northern California on Friday night. As some of you know I picked up a nasty bug (bacterial?) about 30 hours prior to my departure from Bangkok. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure I could make it down the hallway of the apartment, let alone endure a taxi ride, airport terminals, layovers, 23+ hours of air travel immigration and then a three hour drive home... but I did, and GOD IS GOOD.

I am home now and feeling better every hour. So how in the world did I survive the trip? Your prayers! On the morning of my departure I was still debating, “should I just cancel or reschedule this flight?” These were my thoughts as I laid sprawled out on the tile floors of my little room, exhausted from typing a simple four sentence email for prayer support! I was already dressed and my luggage was packed. All I had to do was find the energy to get up!

Rejoice in all things came to mind as I got up for one last trip down the hall to the bathroom. “Okay Lord, I rejoice that my body has been working VERY efficiently in a NON-STOP manor to EXPEL the little trouble maker in my system!” But I still have a day and a half of NON- STOP travel ahead. How can I do this?

Standing at the threshold of my host family’s apartment, my mind became flooded with all sorts of stressful and embarrassing (possible) traveling scenarios! (I am sure you can imagine). Then a clear thought came to me from my Heavenly Father, “Step out the door, trust Me. Your friends and family are praying.”


Faith requires us to trust the invisible and the impossible to an all knowing and loving God. It requires action on our part. If I had decided not to step out the door, would I have robbed my friends and family from experiencing the joy of being a part of God’s supernatural provision for me? I think, maybe so…

To all of you, I send my love. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for the important role you play in my life and for the role you play in reaching the nations ….for every time I remember each of you, my heart is full of appreciation!

Much love and
many blessings, Kathy

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