Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This BLOG has been temporarily hijacked to accommodate a quick "grandma-fix"

Inquisitive or just excited to see what grandma Kathy's Next Steps will be? This is the same little grandaughter that you saw wearing a fluffy pink "tu tu" in an earlier blog. If you knew her mom, you'd understand why!

I think I see a few little teeth in there!

My adorable grandson!

Who needs expensive toys, a bucket of water and a plastic cup is sure to bring hours of fun!

Sometimes people ask me why I would EVER decide to leave such precious grandchildren to work in cross-cultural missions. My answer is always he same, I have no intention of abandoning them! God willing, I will continue to be very involved and connected to my three children and their children, reguardless to my physical location.

My kids are doing an excellent job of parenting and we all have a very good relationship. We are committed to staying in commuication with each other by using internet services, SKYPE and anything else we can figure out!

The decision to work cross-culutrally is much easier than it was for missionaries years ago. Many of them never saw their families again after they left! They did not have access to the technology nor did they have the ability to travel internationally as easily as we can today. Many of their trips involved months of travel with little opportunity to ever return! I am blessed to be living in a different time. Global missions has never been more accessible.

When it comes to missions, I can't NOT GO... does that make sense? This desire in me to reach out to lost people has only grown stronger through the years. It is evidence of the holy Spirit at work in me. Believe me, I have prayed hard over these issues. No one gets up one day and says, "Hey I think I'll TRY missions. I'll resign from a perfectly good job, move out of the home I've lived in for the past 20 years, subject myself to a people, language and culture that is totally foreign and leave behind everything and everyone that I am familiar with, because that seems like a really fun thing to do!" I am going because I am compelled, God who lives with in me compells me-I must at least make the attempt.

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