Saturday, July 18, 2009


Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: A Tale of Survival!

One of the best and also one of the most difficult courses I have ever been through, was a recent TESOL Course. The BEST part of my adventure will be the focus of this short entry.

Living on campus with hundreds of other followers of Jesus was so inspiring. Students and adults from all over the world were there to be discipled and equipped for ministry to the nations. While I lived there, multple teams were sent out to do short term missions all over the world. I met people there whom I hope will remain friends forever.

The YWAM base in Tyler Texas is a tremendous location if you are considering training. There are many schools, evangelism, media training and missions are only a few. I's a huge sending base located on hundreds of open acres that are dotted with lakes and trees. At one time this land was home to David Wilkerson ministries (Author of The Cross and the Switch Blade) Other near by ministry centers include Teen Mania and Mercy Ships.

The culture of the YWAM community is that of worship and servanthood. It is an obvious value of all who serve there. From the time I was picked up at the airport until when I was dropped off, generosity and kindness prevailed. It was an honor to meet so any passionate young people, who plan to serve where ever God should lead them. What a great experience to be part of the community for those few months.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

They're Here!

July 4th we had a little fireworks of our own here at the Walter household! Heidi went into labor late that night. By early morning (July 5th) the C-Section was complete and two healthy babies had entered the world. At the bottom of the screen is Amelia (Mia) who was the first to be delivered. Amelia weights about 5lbs 9 oz. Her brother, Cooper was the next to arrive. He weighed a whopping 6lbs and 13 oz. Both babies are healthy and doing great! Heidi had more side effects from the anesthesia than we expected and spent the first 5 hours after labor very ill. She is improving with every hour, so thank you for all your kind prayer!

Proud daddy holding his newborn son, "Cooper"

Dainty little "Amelia" being admired by her mommy!
It looks like all her little finger and toes are accounted for.

Although not the best angle, this was as close as I could get to the twins right after their birth (Hospital Policies..... you know......) This short video was taken about one hour after the babies were born....mostly for the benefit of the Grandmas/Grandpas, Great Grandmothers, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers and Sisters who live out of state, but wished they could get a quick glimpse of the twins! ENJOY

Friday, July 3, 2009

We have a DELIVERY DATE for the TWINS!

Today, Heidi and Wade met with their Doctor again. It looks like Sunday July 5th will be the date set for a C-section. This is very good news as my daughter has been able to do little more than waddle to her bed, the recliner or to the bathroom for a month. The average gestation for twins is about 37 weeks. Many women deliver their babies before that time but have to leave their babies in a prenatal care unit for days. Hopefully that won't be Heidi's problem. She has made it 38 weeks with no sign of toxemia or other medical complications. That is a HUGE praise and answer to prayer!

My temporary mission field for the last month has been in Tennessee serving my family. I can't think of a more fruitful way to spend my time. What a great blessing to be available for these few months before I head overseas.

My role here for the past month has been... maid, cook, nanny, playmate, gardener and chauffeur. Taking on these tasks has given Wade the freedom to earn a little extra money before the babies arrive. Taking care of a wife and three children (all three under two years of age) is a big responsibility, especially on a single income. He is a very devoted father and husband, so I am glad to be here to help.

Thank you for your concern and prayers for my family. Please continue praying for:

• No complications with the umbilical cords, placenta's position and postpartum bleeding

• Healthy babies and mommy

• Peaceful transitions and adjustments when they arrive home from the hospital (Heidi, Wade, Codie Rae and babies)

• PATIENCE and JOY fill their home

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