Friday, July 3, 2009

We have a DELIVERY DATE for the TWINS!

Today, Heidi and Wade met with their Doctor again. It looks like Sunday July 5th will be the date set for a C-section. This is very good news as my daughter has been able to do little more than waddle to her bed, the recliner or to the bathroom for a month. The average gestation for twins is about 37 weeks. Many women deliver their babies before that time but have to leave their babies in a prenatal care unit for days. Hopefully that won't be Heidi's problem. She has made it 38 weeks with no sign of toxemia or other medical complications. That is a HUGE praise and answer to prayer!

My temporary mission field for the last month has been in Tennessee serving my family. I can't think of a more fruitful way to spend my time. What a great blessing to be available for these few months before I head overseas.

My role here for the past month has been... maid, cook, nanny, playmate, gardener and chauffeur. Taking on these tasks has given Wade the freedom to earn a little extra money before the babies arrive. Taking care of a wife and three children (all three under two years of age) is a big responsibility, especially on a single income. He is a very devoted father and husband, so I am glad to be here to help.

Thank you for your concern and prayers for my family. Please continue praying for:

• No complications with the umbilical cords, placenta's position and postpartum bleeding

• Healthy babies and mommy

• Peaceful transitions and adjustments when they arrive home from the hospital (Heidi, Wade, Codie Rae and babies)

• PATIENCE and JOY fill their home

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Precious, Kathy! How very exciting! I look forward to hearing how things are going :)

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