Saturday, July 18, 2009


Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: A Tale of Survival!

One of the best and also one of the most difficult courses I have ever been through, was a recent TESOL Course. The BEST part of my adventure will be the focus of this short entry.

Living on campus with hundreds of other followers of Jesus was so inspiring. Students and adults from all over the world were there to be discipled and equipped for ministry to the nations. While I lived there, multple teams were sent out to do short term missions all over the world. I met people there whom I hope will remain friends forever.

The YWAM base in Tyler Texas is a tremendous location if you are considering training. There are many schools, evangelism, media training and missions are only a few. I's a huge sending base located on hundreds of open acres that are dotted with lakes and trees. At one time this land was home to David Wilkerson ministries (Author of The Cross and the Switch Blade) Other near by ministry centers include Teen Mania and Mercy Ships.

The culture of the YWAM community is that of worship and servanthood. It is an obvious value of all who serve there. From the time I was picked up at the airport until when I was dropped off, generosity and kindness prevailed. It was an honor to meet so any passionate young people, who plan to serve where ever God should lead them. What a great experience to be part of the community for those few months.

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