Saturday, July 4, 2009

They're Here!

July 4th we had a little fireworks of our own here at the Walter household! Heidi went into labor late that night. By early morning (July 5th) the C-Section was complete and two healthy babies had entered the world. At the bottom of the screen is Amelia (Mia) who was the first to be delivered. Amelia weights about 5lbs 9 oz. Her brother, Cooper was the next to arrive. He weighed a whopping 6lbs and 13 oz. Both babies are healthy and doing great! Heidi had more side effects from the anesthesia than we expected and spent the first 5 hours after labor very ill. She is improving with every hour, so thank you for all your kind prayer!

Proud daddy holding his newborn son, "Cooper"

Dainty little "Amelia" being admired by her mommy!
It looks like all her little finger and toes are accounted for.

Although not the best angle, this was as close as I could get to the twins right after their birth (Hospital Policies..... you know......) This short video was taken about one hour after the babies were born....mostly for the benefit of the Grandmas/Grandpas, Great Grandmothers, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers and Sisters who live out of state, but wished they could get a quick glimpse of the twins! ENJOY

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