Friday, October 29, 2010

This is San Diego, it's not suppose to rain!
For the past two weeks we have had REAL rain, enough to make puddles and cause people to use their windshield wipers and umbrellas! This is soooooo.... not normal "Sunny California" weather.

My once vast back yard living area (of desert sand, clay and dirt) is now green with new baby grass! A lovely carpet of green surrounds my little camper/trailer home. After living in the concert jungles of Bangkok's skyscrapers, I had forgotten how allergic I am to some "green things" grass. The whole time in Thailand's hot tropic, humid, mold and mildewy climate, I never once had troubles with allergies. A few inches of rain in San Diego and now I'm a sneezing, sniffling, crazy woman! I think that's funny...Aaaaa chuuuu!

Monday, October 18, 2010

What woman doesn't like to go shopping? Okay, besides me.
I actually really like finding the perfect gift for people, but I hate wandering around in malls or shopping centers for hours looking, looking....looking. If you enjoy finding the perfect gift, but don't enjoy parking lots, crowded malls or long lines consider shopping at our NightLight's Webstore. After all....Christmas is coming!

NightLight employees women to make beautiful jewelry from silver, semi-precious stones, pearls and decorative beads. When you purchase these products you are securing the freedom of women who have been sexually exploited or were at risk of exploitation in the bars of Bangkok, Thailand.

Visit our store


I'm making progress

I know He who "began a good work in me...will complete it". That is a promise form God. I will rejoice in His goodness and love towards me.

Hard to believe this is Sunny California? Notice I'm wearing a warm j-a-c-k-e-t in San Diego. Pretty CRAZY! The people who live here year-round aren't very happy with this unusual weather, but I'm really enjoying the misty mornings and cool drizzly days. We've even had rain!

The beach is my favorite place to go when I want to clear my head. The odd weather, seems to be keeping the sun loving tourists in their cozy hotels. In the evenings the beaches are quiet, a perfect place for long walks, to pray and listen to God. I'm appreciating this gift of time while my hand heals. Not sure how long it will last. My heart yearns to move forward, but God says, be patient and I will patiently wait until He reveals my "Next Steps".

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It's October 10, 2010 at 10:10 pm. Hey that's pretty cool! Seems like I should mark the occasion somehow...let's see, do I have anything profound to say or, not really.

Just returned from a very long walk along the ocean tonight. It was really quite lovely, a warm night, bright moon and calm sea. I prayed for my kids and sang to the Lord, which seemed to relieve my melancholy attitude. Worship always has a way of refocusing my attention and affections.

"Therefore I will give thanks to You, O LORD, among the nations, and I will sing praises to Your name" II Sam.22:50

"I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High" Psalm 9:2

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's happening right under our noses!

Human Trafficking is NOT just an issue in some far away land. It's happening right here in our country, in our cities, in our neighborhoods. Victims of sex trafficking are often found working in establishments that offer commercial sex acts, i.e. brothels, strip clubs, pornography production houses. Such establishments may operate under the guise of

  • Massage parlor

  • Gentlemen Clubs

  • Escort services

  • Adult bookstores

  • Modeling studios

Flesh: Bought and Sold in the U.S. - Trailer

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery. Victims of human trafficking are subjected to force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Victims are young children, teenagers, men and women.

After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today.

If you suspect someone has been trafficked, call the:
Department of Health and Human Services

Toll-free, 24 hour

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Physically I may not be in Thailand right now, but my heart is there. Please continue to pray for the ministry of NightLight and for those missionaries and volunteers serving there. The power of God is transforming lives, women are being set free and experiencing hope for the first time in their lives! Women who were previously exploited through the sex industry of Bangkok Thailand are now being taught to make beautiful jewelery which is sold all over the world!

100 percent of all jewelry proceeds go to pay salaries of those women. You can visit the NightLight website for current stories of these women, facts concerning human trafficking and of course to shop for jewelry!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My mom...
She loves people, good food and fun shoes!

My mom came to love and trust Jesus as her Savior in her late thirties. This was after many years of living life "her way", which resulted in brokenness and a lack of true peace and purpose in her life. We were never a religious family, but we were a significantly dysfunctional one! My parents divorced when my brother and I were young and they both remarried other partners, always seeking to find true contentment, or their significance in other relationships, their jobs, alcohol and drugs.

It was during those painful years that followed the divorce that God's love caught up with me....and then my younger brother. Our mother was next to begin a relationship with the living God, then our father. Prior to this, there were no other Christians in our family. Our family tree was barren. None of our relatives knew of ANY other family members whom had experienced the life changing power of Jesus great grandparents, grandmothers, uncles, one.

After many, many generations, God was birthing something new in our family. We are the first generation to celebration God's mercy, power and forgiveness for a very long time! My mom is not perfect, but she is forgiven. She has the assurance of eternal life through Jesus. She has hope, loves others and God. She is quick to befriend the lonely, help others or share an encouraging word with a stranger. Yesterday, she and I spent almost two hours together praying, crying out to God on behalf of our friends, other family members, kids and grandchildren. "GOD continue to heal our friends and family. Show them your great love, show them your mercy!" AMEN

Fall 2010 Newsletter-Update

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