Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My mom...
She loves people, good food and fun shoes!

My mom came to love and trust Jesus as her Savior in her late thirties. This was after many years of living life "her way", which resulted in brokenness and a lack of true peace and purpose in her life. We were never a religious family, but we were a significantly dysfunctional one! My parents divorced when my brother and I were young and they both remarried other partners, always seeking to find true contentment, or their significance in other relationships, their jobs, alcohol and drugs.

It was during those painful years that followed the divorce that God's love caught up with me....and then my younger brother. Our mother was next to begin a relationship with the living God, then our father. Prior to this, there were no other Christians in our family. Our family tree was barren. None of our relatives knew of ANY other family members whom had experienced the life changing power of Jesus Christ....no great grandparents, grandmothers, uncles, cousins....no one.

After many, many generations, God was birthing something new in our family. We are the first generation to celebration God's mercy, power and forgiveness for a very long time! My mom is not perfect, but she is forgiven. She has the assurance of eternal life through Jesus. She has hope, loves others and God. She is quick to befriend the lonely, help others or share an encouraging word with a stranger. Yesterday, she and I spent almost two hours together praying, crying out to God on behalf of our friends, other family members, kids and grandchildren. "GOD continue to heal our friends and family. Show them your great love, show them your mercy!" AMEN

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