Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm making progress

I know He who "began a good work in me...will complete it". That is a promise form God. I will rejoice in His goodness and love towards me.

Hard to believe this is Sunny California? Notice I'm wearing a warm j-a-c-k-e-t in San Diego. Pretty CRAZY! The people who live here year-round aren't very happy with this unusual weather, but I'm really enjoying the misty mornings and cool drizzly days. We've even had rain!

The beach is my favorite place to go when I want to clear my head. The odd weather, seems to be keeping the sun loving tourists in their cozy hotels. In the evenings the beaches are quiet, a perfect place for long walks, to pray and listen to God. I'm appreciating this gift of time while my hand heals. Not sure how long it will last. My heart yearns to move forward, but God says, be patient and I will patiently wait until He reveals my "Next Steps".

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