Monday, December 13, 2010

Christiana’s Mud Pie is the BEST EVER!

May not be the most flattering photo, but I didn't want to run and grab my camera (leave my slice unattended) for fear someone else would devour my delicious piece heaven!


2 cups crushed Oreo cookies

5 T. butter

½ cup granulated sugar

½ gallon Dryers Coffee ice cream

Chocolate sauce:

2 cups powdered sugar

2/3 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

1 can (12oz.) evaporated milk

½ cup butter

1 t. vanilla extract


1 carton (8oz) Cool Whip topping

½ cup crushes Oreo cookies

Combine cookie crumbs for crust with butter and sugar, press in bottom of ungreased 8” spring form pan. Make sure to line the sides of the spring form pan with wax paper (so sides don’t stick later) Freeze for 15 minutes.

Spread softened ice cream over the crust. Freeze until firm. (approx. 3 hours)

Mean while combine the first four ingredients for chocolate sauce, bring to a rolling boil for appr. 8 minutes. Remove fro heat, stir in vanilla and let cool to room temperature. After cool, pour sauce over ice cream. Freeze until firm. Spread Cool Whip over the chocolate sauce; sprinkle Oreo cookie crumbs on top. Freeze before serving. Enjoy!

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