Monday, October 1, 2007

Liver Mush?

Yep! Liver Mush, or as the folks around here refer to it, "Liva moosh". Doesn't sound very appitizing does it? Well, the folks around here would disagree. Apparently this is a favorite food in this neck of the woods. Observing or studying a new culture is as easy as going out to breakfast in North Carolina. Don't expect to be served a bowl of Special K or low fat yogurt, that's what them Californ-ians eat! Here in NC, you better be ready for a REAL breakfast. This last weekend I had a chance to enjoy a traditional southern style breakfast. It included, eggs, buscuits'n gravey, an assortment of jams and jellies, grits (that's a whole other blog entery!) ham, sausages and last but not least LIVER MUSH, a crispy slab of the stuff. Yes, of course I ate my brown square of mush, I had to... I was a guest, remember! I'll bet you don't know what liver mush is really made from. To find out, YOU'VE GOT TO WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO. Come on...I dare ya, I double dog dare ya!


Jenn said...

Ha! That's great! Wanna go to the local breakfast next week? Then you can introduce me to liver mush.

Kathy LeBarron said...

You're a brave and crazy friend! Did you offer to join me for the next community breakfast BEFORE or AFTER you watched the liver mush video?

Lisa C. said...

All I can say is "Wow". I guess you have to taste it to believe it? Of course I'm dying to know, have you tried it yet?!!

Bon Apetite!


Kathy LeBarron said...

Yes, it was fried just like the picture shows. It sort of tastes like liverworst with corn meal mixed in. There is a "gritty" texture to it. Speaking of gritty, not too long ago I was treated to a Native American dessert made by the tribes in North Alaska. In a little cupcake foil were these pretty pink globs (like rasberry ice cream) They looked tasty, so I tried one. OHHHH MY...looks can be deceiving. I found out that this favorite Alaskan treat is made from globs of Crisco oil and a tiny amount of sugar stired in. The pink color comes from fresh berries. This is all folded into Crisco along with some WHITE FISH.

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