Sunday, November 11, 2007

Is suffering in contradiction with the goodness of God?

The Bible Has Something to Say About Suffering
(As Reflected in 1 Peter)

Jesus is our model as we look at the nature of God. He is the perfect reflection of the Living God. God’s great love is demonstrated through the sacrificial life and death of Christ. It was the willingness of Jesus to suffer death that we as Believers are able to experience spiritual life. “Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made us alive in the spirit”, 1 Peter 3:18. The very purpose and ministry of Christ involved suffering.

As followers of Jesus, our lives should reflect the same nature. We willingly subject ourselves to the living God, knowing that we too will be rejected at times. Jesus, “the choice stone, a precious living stone” was rejected and became a stumbling stone to those who were perishing. Although Christ was rejected and suffered unjustly at the hands of men, He endured patiently and faithfully unto the end. He entrusted Himself to the One who ultimately judges righteously.
As followers of Christ we are referred to as living stones. Our lives will not be exempt from suffering, in fact as a point of identification with Christ we are called to the same ministry of suffering. The suffering itself is not the end results, it is the patience and love we demonstrate through the process of suffering that honors God. We are given the opportunity to reflect God’s character through the process.

Jesus willingly chose to endure suffering for our sake to bring about an eternal benefit. “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, for by His wounds we are healed”. Jesus patiently endured, not returning evil for evil or retaliating when threatened. The long suffering patience of a holy God is demonstrated through the meekness of Jesus. He became a bond slave, purposely forfeiting all of His rights. When we respond to testing trials or distresses in the same manor as Christ did, we honor God. He finds favor in us when we faithfully endure. Our faith is compared to fine gold that has been refined in the fiery furnaces. It results in praise, glory and honor to God.

Through suffering we are exhorted to remember our position in Christ. We are not to be fearful or intimidated by circumstances. God considers us His chosen possessions, holy and loved. He has rescued us by grace out of darkness and into His marvelous light. At first the ministry of suffering appears to be in contradiction with the goodness of God. However we see both qualities displayed simultaneously through the person of Christ. Jesus, who was fully God and fully man, was compelled by love. It was His good pleasure that He should suffer for us.

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