Friday, November 16, 2007

Missionaries in Disguise!

These friends are almost as colorful as my former Lady Bug friends, but they're a lot more fun and you don't have to vacuum them up at the end of the day!

The friendly neighborhood Exterminator came today to spray all the housing units for bugs and spiders. I learned a lot more about bugs than I really wanting to know. For example did you know that Lady Bugs are on the endangered species list? Ooopps. Also, you should never vacuum them up. Lady Bugs produce protective oil when they feel threatened which can make your vacuum cleaner smell horrid for days! Oooops again.

My friendly Exterminator (is that an oxymoron?) told me that there are 2.5 billion insects per every human. Hey, that's interesting because there are approximately 2.5 billion people in the world who have never hear about Jesus, which is why I am here in this Lady Bug invested apartment.

You never know when you'll have an opportunity to share the Gospel. The bible says we are to be prepared to give account for our faith, we are to be ready in and out of season......even bug season!

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