Friday, November 9, 2007

Maintaining Healthy Margins

I Don't See Any White Space!
At some point in time you may have noticed how difficult it is to read a paper that has no margins. Hopefully you are not actually trying to read this crazy paper, as I only wrote it to demonstrate a point. Margins are very important. Some people write all over their whole paper and leave absolutely no available space. If you haven't stopped reading this yet, now is the time! Jump down to the large print below and continue reading. Their many words spill over to consume every conceivable inch. They stretch to very edge of the sheet of paper leaving no margins at all. Seeing such a letter may cause you to panic. If you haven't stopped reading this yet, now is the time! Jump down to the large print below and continue reading. You may even become fatigued by the very thought of having to read such a thing. No matter how interesting the topic may be, when there are no places to rest your eyes it becomes an exhausting chore. At some point in time you may have noticed how difficult it is to read a paper that has no margins. Hopefully you are not actually trying to read this crazy paper, as I only wrote it to demonstrate a point. Margins are very important. Some people write all over their whole paper and leave absolutely no available space. Their many words spill over to consume every conceivable inch. They stretch to very edge of the sheet of paper leaving no margins at all. Seeing such a letter may cause you to panic. You may even become fatigued by the very thought of having to read such a thing!

White space is the area of a document or letter that is purposely left available, uncluttered with text. Some of us live our lives in the same way that this paper was written without any "margins" or "white spaces". Our busy lives spill over to the edges or margins of our day. For many, this happen EVERY DAY. This type of chronic over extension of our personal or business life is harmful and although we may be aware of the serious consequences of living beyond our margins (emotional, spiritual and physical) are we doing anything to address it?

As a Christians I am not exempt from the stresses of this world. I live in a society that places great value on those who accomplish much. We esteem those who are able to withstand great pressures over prolonged periods of time. We rewarded them with important titles, positions of responsibility and sometimes we even give them a BONUS.

I am learning the importance of living with margins. I need them! They need to be intentional built into my life, or I’ll have none! The lack of establishing healthy margins (or boundaries) will eventually result in burnout or other serious ailments.

Here is my problem, there is a disconnect between what I know and what I do. I think my actions, not my words, reveal my true core beliefs most of the time. In the privacy of my own heart, perhaps I still foolishly believed these following statements to be true:
  1. That I am indispensable
  2. That I am the only one able to complete the task
  3. That I am only as important as my last success
  4. That my value is directly related to "how" or "what" I am able to produce

    For Me To Maintain Healthy Margins
  1. Remember it's not about ME
  2. Remember sometimes the right answer is NO
  3. Remember it's okay to ask for help
  4. Remember to depend on God's strengths and abilities, not mine!
  5. Remember times of solitude are necessary and valuable
  6. Remember REST IS NOT A SIN
  7. Remember my value is not ultimately determined by others, but by a loving God
  8. Remember Jesus!


Lisa C. said...

Okay, well, I actually did try to read that "paper". Then I realized that it was repeating itself!!! ;-) You are too funny.

Love Lisa

Kathy LeBarron said...

Hey Friend!
How is my favorite, faithful blogging friend? I wish others would post as often as you do! Hey, how did you even read this? I was still editing it when your comment posted! You're amazing!

Comment again soon....

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