Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hey, we have company...again!

In between everything else that happens here at NightLight, we also have a lot of visitors! Bethel Redding has blessed us with intercessors, and a children's ministry team. We also have had Annalynn McCord, from 90210 and her dear friend Jessica with us for the past few days.

Don't believe everything you hear about celebrities. Annalynn was a delight. I truly enjoyed meeting and spending time with her. She and Jess were able to joined our teams for worship, outreach, prayer and even participated in game time with our NL girls!

Although Annalynn and Jessica live very public lives, there is still a tenderness about them. They are amazing young women, friendly, generous, creative and compassionate. Like the rest of us, they are not perfect, their private and professional lives are very challenging, but they are determined to make a difference in the world.

There original motivation for visiting NL was to connect with Annie and see where, when and how things work. They expected to come and support our team, but God had another idea. He determined to make THEM the target of His affection! God saturated them both in His gentle love, kindness and peace. They weren't expecting such an intimate encounter with their Heavenly Father! God is so good. He loves us all so much!

We will continue to pray for God's continual blessings and protection over Annalynn and Jessica as they return to their busy lives in Hollywood and New York.

Jeannie Mai, another friend of Annie's and a celebrity in the fashion industry, stopped by a week ago for a short visit. We all enjoyed lunch together (It was Annie's Birthday) and everyone had a good time eating, listening to stories and laughing. Jeannie Mai radiates energy and she beams when she smiles! It is obvious she loves Jesus and she's always looking for opportunities to bring the issue of Human Trafficking before the public whenever she can.

We have had multiple teams from Bethel Church in Redding California come to encourage us. They come in like Holy Spirit waves, one after another! Intercession, healing, worship and joy seem to linger here long after their ministry teams leave. Almost all of our NL girls have received significant personal prayer time with Bethel's intercessors and their students from the . Plenty of prophetic words and encouragement for everyone!

Randy Clark was in our neighborhood a few weeks ago! He and is team held a conference just around the corner from our main office. How cool is that! It was great to see so many Thai people eager to learn more about Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We will continue to pray for a great mobilization of Thai Believers. We look forward to the day when the Kinddom of Thailand is no longer considered a "Unreached" nation!

Currently we have visitors from Expression 58 in LA and from Iris Ministries Sudan. What a blessing to be connect in such unique ways to so many amazing people! We have a massive extended family through Christ! I continue to learn and grow from each group that comes to minister along side us. I love hearing and sharing testimonies of the miraculous work God is doing! When the glory and power of Jesus shows up, the blind see, the lame walk and demons are sent fleeing. What a mighty God we serve.

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