Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's all very Normal!

What is normal? I consider this thought while sitting here listening to a Michael Jackson’s song (Billy Jean) being sung by a Thai- very interesting…

Recently a dear friend asked, “What is a normal day like for you?” My days here are never the same. Taking one step at a time seems to be the key, or I become overwhelmed by the whole process.

In the listed below, one of my activities is NOT TRUE. Can you guess which thing I made-up

  • In the last week (7 days)
  • I helped with a deliverance on a young Thai girl who was controlled by demonic spirits that manifesting as an ancient monk, a mute, then a tiger!
  • I was the special guest of an opera singer – attended her opening performance in downtown Bangkok.
  • I ate ice cream in a hotdog bun!
  • I was a spectator at a "Red Shirt parade" (political protesters)
  • I refinished a desk
  • I picked up my laundry- one week for $1. 50.
  • I followed two men around (at a safe distance) who were trying to negotiate a price for women working in prostitution near my home

  • I was scolded by a Cambodian street beggar because I wouldn't give him any money

  • I ate at my favorite little Lebanese restaurant!

I have a strange but satisfying life. It is a life that forces me to be completely dependent on the power, grace and love of Jesus. Your fervent prayers and financial support are vital part of this amazing adventure with God. You are greatly appreciated!

Question: What was the ONE thing which was NOT TRUE?

Answer: It was all true, except they didn't happen in 7 days- but during this last weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is pretty intense mom! You are so amazing!


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