Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who are the real victims here?


I was wondering?

You may have heard that there is a shortage of men back in the US. Hey, I think I located some of them!

You would have to be blind not to notice the preponderance of business class, approximately 50yrs to 65yrs old, white males that continually linger in the Nana. Are we really to believe that this mass surplus of western males are all unmarried, unattached to anyone, anywhere?

I wonder what would happen if I were to go out on the street and begin shooting photos of these men and their 20-ish year old Thai “escorts” in their teeny-tiny skirts and 3 inch heels? I wonder what these men’s wives, girlfriends or grandchildren back home would say?

It's really is quite a sight to see so many men, mostly white, mostly overweight and many with balding heads that glistening in the sun from perspiration. They strut around with smiles on their faces and women draped on their arms. Many of these women are young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters! Are there really that many lonely, broken or desperation men who need to feel loved, significant, affirmed or in control?

For many weeks now I have watched the men in my neighborhood interacting with women on the streets, or groping at their mostly naked bodies in the bars. I believe it is both (the men and the women) who are the victims here. Each person, male and female, willing to exploit the other for their own personal gain. Genuine affection and companionship can never be found in the elaborate fantasy which oozes forth from these dark bars, night after night. It’s all an illusion.

I wonder if the man across the room from me is aware that... the beautiful Asian…the one he just bought a drink for... the one in the tight sexy dress… the one with long flowing jet black hair… may not be a female at all! I was just wondering?

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