Thursday, March 18, 2010

The power of blessing greater than the power of a curse!

The streets are quieter today after a few days of very intense political protesting in Bangkok. GALLONS of blood and cult rituals/sorcery/spells and curses have been performed all around town, in fact just a few blocks from were I am living.

Thousands of (Red Shirts- protesters) have descended into the heart of Thailand. They are displeased with many things in this Kingdom and so they have rallied together to curse their own nation and it's leaders with death spells, blood covenants, cult rituals and sorcery.

2000 years ago another bloody sacrifice took place. It wasn't the blood of THOUSANDS, those filled with striving or selfish ambitions that was spilled to the ground that day, but the blood of ONE. It was the sacrificial blood of JESUS that was poured out for our benefit. Believe it or not, this was God's idea. An offering would be made once and for all to cancel the curse of death, and eternal destruction for all of mankind! Jesus, the Son of God, was the only one qualified to to fulfill such an extravagant act of love. His blood set us free that we might have abundant life!

Although there has been plenty of darkness and cursing in Bangkok this week, we continue to celebrate God's goodness towards people. In the past few days, more Thai girls from NightLight have professed faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Four more women left the bars and began working for NightLight Design, and three others received deliverance from sorcery, witchcraft and demonic influences! Our God is mightier than any curses or demonic powers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be careful!!! I dont like you being that close to protestors without me there to protect you

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