Monday, November 12, 2007

Help, I'm Being Invaded!

Today was the first day of my last set of classes at the Center for Intercultural Training (CIT). We are studying Church Planting, especially focusing on rapid church planting movements or saturation church planting. When I returned to my apartment this afternoon, there had been a sudden, saturation movement of LADY BUGS in my house! There were about 50 or 60 of them dotted all over my white living room walls. That's kinda crazy! Not sure where they came from or how they got into my house since all the windows were closed. Oh well, things are never dull around here.


wings118 said...

Hi friend; Lady Bugs wow, didn't want you to be alone, or course you are never alone because our Heavenly Father is always with you.

I have been thinking about you and prayed for you.

Rest in Him

Resting in Him

Kathy LeBarron said...

Hey Roomie, things are pretty quiet around here (except for my new Lady Bug friends) It's good to hear from you! You have a busy schedule these next few weeks, don't stress- God is good. Keep me posted on your "Next steps" to Sudan. Love you!

Hey, are those your green Crocs that Jenn is wearing around here lately?

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