Saturday, December 22, 2007

Get Powered up!

Hey, it's almost Christmas, and I'll bet some of you are hoping Santa will bring you some really cool power tools! I know my brother is one of those who loves tools, the bigger the better. I'm just like him...

...Okay, that's a lie.

The truth is I consider myself somewhat "gadget challenged". If fact, it's embarrassing how terrible I am with electrical gadgetie-things. I am not good with power tools or anything with too many buttoms. To this day I still can't figured out why people use two or three of those hand held TV remotes (30 buttons per remote) just to watch a DVD? Knowing that, you might laugh when I tell you that one time I signed up to become an Electrician on Career Day at the local College! What was I thinking? Later I figured it was the adventure of working outside, climbing up and down on giant poles, and dangling from straps or harnesses that appealed to me!
Ooooo! Now this looks really fun. What is it?

Recently God has been showing me there are other types of power tools that all of us (even me) can become experts with. These "power tools" are called Words of Encouragement! We are daily given the opportunity to build up, reinforce and strengthen one another through the words we speak. Just like with any power tools, our words must be handled with care, so as not to cause injury. So maybe I am not very skilled with a DeWalt and I should never handle anything with high voltage! God and I (along with my brother) have finally come to an agreement over such things. Words of encouragement, hope and love are the only "power tools" I'm allowed to handle!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh My Gosh, what a cute little grandaughter!

This exquisitely crafted original was produced by Mr. and Mrs. W. Walter
Unfortunately she is a "Limited Edition" and there are no copies available
Photography by Heidi Marie Walter
(entrepreneur, mother, set and costume designer,diaper changer)

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to golden Buddha

It's almost Christmas! This is such a transitional time for me. This is likely to be my last Christmas in the states for a while. Although next Christmas I may be in Thailand, and as for today, I decided to join the Holiday frenzy!

I am not much for shopping, but I braved the crowds to make a small purchase, a Buddha statue! Yes, that's right. How strange? Christmas caroles playing, nativity scenes marked down for clearance, shopping carts overflowing with gifts, employees in red hats with fur trim, and there I stood in line holding my one small item, a golden Buddha statue! I felt a little sacrilegious. Needless to say, I was getting some odd looks from those around me, that is until I got to the Cashier...

Tonight I would be given a chance to meet with the AWANA children (not not an African tribe) but a christian evangelistic/discipleship program for 6th graders and younger. I wanted to use the Buddha as a simple visual aid to help them understand prayer. (little people have such an honest approach to spiritual matters.) I wanted to explain to them that some people pray to statues that have eyes and ears, but they can not help them, they cannot see, or hear, or love them. That is a sad thing. They, however, have a God in Heaven who loves them and sees them. He is not made of plastic, wood or gold. He is alive and He enjoys hearing their prayers!

Anyway, back to the Cashier... She smiled at me, gently took my little golden Buddha, spoke to it tenderly then brought it to her lips and kissed it!

It is not just the children who need to know there is a God who is alive! There is a deep longing in ALL of us for a connection, a relationship with the living God! Try to remember that as you rush around this Holiday Season.

Need a little Holiday Cheering up? This version of the "12 Days of Christmas" will make you smile!
(click on Link below)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ridiculous Myth or Cumbersome Old Philosophy?

It’s finally raining in Northern California! As I was driving home from a meeting this morning, I noticed a young boy walking by himself in the rain. There he was, his hair plastered to his head, backpack strapped over his shoulders, short sleeved shirt drenched and stuck to his bony little ten year old frame. He had no hat, no jacket and not a care in the world by the way he was shuffling along! What caught my eye was the item he carried in his hand. Although not in use, you could see he had an umbrella!

This umbrella was a sight to behold, an old gaudy looking thing covered with giant pink and violet flowers. Certainly no self respecting 10 year old boy would be caught using such a ridiculous looking umbrella! Good intentions of a loving mom no doubt. ‘It’s raining! You need this- use it so you don’t get wet,” she may have said, stuffing it in his arms as he headed out the door.

How often do we, with our good intentions, hand out things that will never be used? We think it was good for me, it should be good for them too! Sometimes I think we do this by the manner in which we present the Gospel of Jesus. People certainly have need of it, in fact the bible tells us that we ALL have need. There are none of us that are good enough, no not one. The bible goes on to tell us how ALL can find love, forgiveness and acceptance. This is the Gospel; it is good news!

The truths of the bible are not ridiculous myths or cumbersome old philosophies to dutifully drag around with us, but never use! If they have become such a thing, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Perhaps hurting people, who have been drenched by the storms of life, would be more willing to accept the bible's message of compassion if we didn't present it like an old flower covered umbrella! The good news of salvation through Jesus must remain current, relevant and dynamic if it is to be seen as valuable by this present generation!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Communication Skills

We are all wired differently! We send out , receive and process information in a wide variety of ways. When we do this well we call it, GOOD COMMUNICATIONS. When we do this poorly, we call it A BIG FAT MESS.

Sometimes our wires get crossed or communications become jumbled like the electrical lines in this photo (taken last year while in Myanmar). Because we are human, because we are not perfect, because we interact with people wired differently, the potential for miscommunication, misunderstandings are inevitably. Hey, there are even times when I am perfectly capable of tangling things up all by myself, I don't even need outside assistance!

Are you like me? Is there any "rewiring" that needs to take place in your life? Maybe it's improving your communication skills, maybe it's working on not being critical of those who are wired differently than you! The willingness or desire to make improvements is always a good place to start. When we follow that desire through with an intentional plan, that's when we begin to see some exciting results! Changes take time and energy. It is for these reasons that I am very grateful to have a patient, slow to anger, compassionate God who love me even during those times when I fail.

As I look AGAIN at the posted picture above, I am seeing something I didn't notice before. In the center of all the crazy wires, the pole somewhat resembles a cross. Kind of a cool way to remember that when I'm feel completely overloaded and the "wiring" looks confused, I must look to Jesus (the cross at the center) He alone is God. He is the only one who can lovingly untangle and rewire my life!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

This evening's blog posting is a very rare and strange sight. I hope it's not too shocking!

We like to call this... Re-lax-ing!
If any of you recognize this mystery person,
you'll know why this is such a rare photo!

Tonight, you hereby have permission to relax! Curl up in your favorite jammies and read a great book. Saying "No" to your long list of responsibilities for a few hours may be just what the Doctor ordered, especially if it is Dr. John Townsend or Dr. Henry Cloud. Enjoy some peacefulness and a great cup of tea and
you'll be better in the morning!
Scroll to the Got Questions section (on the right)
to sneak a peek of the "mystery women""

Any of these book titles look familiar?
Maybe you've heard of them, but never had the time to sit down and read their contents. If that has been your situation, you are not alone! We live in a society that publishes great books about subjects most busy people never have time to read.
Scroll down to posting for November 9th for more on the subject!

Community - Everybody needs connections