Saturday, December 22, 2007

Get Powered up!

Hey, it's almost Christmas, and I'll bet some of you are hoping Santa will bring you some really cool power tools! I know my brother is one of those who loves tools, the bigger the better. I'm just like him...

...Okay, that's a lie.

The truth is I consider myself somewhat "gadget challenged". If fact, it's embarrassing how terrible I am with electrical gadgetie-things. I am not good with power tools or anything with too many buttoms. To this day I still can't figured out why people use two or three of those hand held TV remotes (30 buttons per remote) just to watch a DVD? Knowing that, you might laugh when I tell you that one time I signed up to become an Electrician on Career Day at the local College! What was I thinking? Later I figured it was the adventure of working outside, climbing up and down on giant poles, and dangling from straps or harnesses that appealed to me!
Ooooo! Now this looks really fun. What is it?

Recently God has been showing me there are other types of power tools that all of us (even me) can become experts with. These "power tools" are called Words of Encouragement! We are daily given the opportunity to build up, reinforce and strengthen one another through the words we speak. Just like with any power tools, our words must be handled with care, so as not to cause injury. So maybe I am not very skilled with a DeWalt and I should never handle anything with high voltage! God and I (along with my brother) have finally come to an agreement over such things. Words of encouragement, hope and love are the only "power tools" I'm allowed to handle!


Jenn said...

That part about the remote controls is funny. I am staying with some generous friends right now (he is an electrician), and for fun went over to count the remote controls. Between the TV, DVD/VCR, stereo, projector, screen, and lights there are seven remotes. I kid you not, and every one of them gets used! Keep up that encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I need both types of power tools in my life. Ones that I plug in... and ones that plug me in!

Jim L.

Anonymous said...

Very well said! Thank you for the influence you are in my life. Keep using those "power tools"

blessings, your sister!

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