Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ridiculous Myth or Cumbersome Old Philosophy?

It’s finally raining in Northern California! As I was driving home from a meeting this morning, I noticed a young boy walking by himself in the rain. There he was, his hair plastered to his head, backpack strapped over his shoulders, short sleeved shirt drenched and stuck to his bony little ten year old frame. He had no hat, no jacket and not a care in the world by the way he was shuffling along! What caught my eye was the item he carried in his hand. Although not in use, you could see he had an umbrella!

This umbrella was a sight to behold, an old gaudy looking thing covered with giant pink and violet flowers. Certainly no self respecting 10 year old boy would be caught using such a ridiculous looking umbrella! Good intentions of a loving mom no doubt. ‘It’s raining! You need this- use it so you don’t get wet,” she may have said, stuffing it in his arms as he headed out the door.

How often do we, with our good intentions, hand out things that will never be used? We think it was good for me, it should be good for them too! Sometimes I think we do this by the manner in which we present the Gospel of Jesus. People certainly have need of it, in fact the bible tells us that we ALL have need. There are none of us that are good enough, no not one. The bible goes on to tell us how ALL can find love, forgiveness and acceptance. This is the Gospel; it is good news!

The truths of the bible are not ridiculous myths or cumbersome old philosophies to dutifully drag around with us, but never use! If they have become such a thing, we have no one to blame but ourselves. Perhaps hurting people, who have been drenched by the storms of life, would be more willing to accept the bible's message of compassion if we didn't present it like an old flower covered umbrella! The good news of salvation through Jesus must remain current, relevant and dynamic if it is to be seen as valuable by this present generation!

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