Saturday, December 1, 2007

This evening's blog posting is a very rare and strange sight. I hope it's not too shocking!

We like to call this... Re-lax-ing!
If any of you recognize this mystery person,
you'll know why this is such a rare photo!

Tonight, you hereby have permission to relax! Curl up in your favorite jammies and read a great book. Saying "No" to your long list of responsibilities for a few hours may be just what the Doctor ordered, especially if it is Dr. John Townsend or Dr. Henry Cloud. Enjoy some peacefulness and a great cup of tea and
you'll be better in the morning!
Scroll to the Got Questions section (on the right)
to sneak a peek of the "mystery women""

Any of these book titles look familiar?
Maybe you've heard of them, but never had the time to sit down and read their contents. If that has been your situation, you are not alone! We live in a society that publishes great books about subjects most busy people never have time to read.
Scroll down to posting for November 9th for more on the subject!

1 comment:

Davida said...

If I only had time to read all the books I'd like to! Lisa sent me the link to your blog and I have spent the last hour reading it. :) It's so wonderful to read about all that you are learning, and how you are growing in God's plan for you. How exciting!!! I'm so glad you are doing the blog and I will frequent regularly now that I know about it! I pray that your next steps always take you deeper in His grasp!

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