Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to golden Buddha

It's almost Christmas! This is such a transitional time for me. This is likely to be my last Christmas in the states for a while. Although next Christmas I may be in Thailand, and as for today, I decided to join the Holiday frenzy!

I am not much for shopping, but I braved the crowds to make a small purchase, a Buddha statue! Yes, that's right. How strange? Christmas caroles playing, nativity scenes marked down for clearance, shopping carts overflowing with gifts, employees in red hats with fur trim, and there I stood in line holding my one small item, a golden Buddha statue! I felt a little sacrilegious. Needless to say, I was getting some odd looks from those around me, that is until I got to the Cashier...

Tonight I would be given a chance to meet with the AWANA children (not not an African tribe) but a christian evangelistic/discipleship program for 6th graders and younger. I wanted to use the Buddha as a simple visual aid to help them understand prayer. (little people have such an honest approach to spiritual matters.) I wanted to explain to them that some people pray to statues that have eyes and ears, but they can not help them, they cannot see, or hear, or love them. That is a sad thing. They, however, have a God in Heaven who loves them and sees them. He is not made of plastic, wood or gold. He is alive and He enjoys hearing their prayers!

Anyway, back to the Cashier... She smiled at me, gently took my little golden Buddha, spoke to it tenderly then brought it to her lips and kissed it!

It is not just the children who need to know there is a God who is alive! There is a deep longing in ALL of us for a connection, a relationship with the living God! Try to remember that as you rush around this Holiday Season.

Need a little Holiday Cheering up? This version of the "12 Days of Christmas" will make you smile!
(click on Link below)

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